Check out this book How the breast cancer she had was a Blessing; it changed her daughter's and her life from survival mode of life to a thriving and abundant life.

Emotional Shock,
An Unpaved Odyssey



Emotional Shock, An Unpaved Odyssey, fits more into narrative nonfiction or memoirs. It tells of life events that led the author to develop breast cancer and describes how she overcame it without going through mainstream treatments after surgically removing the lump. After removing the lump, instead of fighting the disease, she researched the cause of the cancer.

In her search, she found several doctors who wrote about the actual CAUSE of cancers in certain people with certain personality traits. She found out that she is one of them. This experience led her to pen this book to bring awareness to the vast majority of people about the source of cancer. 

In this book, she describes the primary cause of cancer, the resources on how to avoid cancer, and remedies if cancer occurs.

Also, what readers may take from “Emotional Shock, An Unpaved Odyssey.” is that regardless of what type of family we were born into or become estranged from, no matter what geographic locations we reside in, no matter how old we are and what circumstance we are in, if we listen to our “Inner voices,” we will consistently achieve a happier life and will always get the desired destinations, despite unexpected bumps on the road; this must be welcomed blissfully, as it is part of human life.


Finding a suitable method of healing may be challenging at first.

Author Zewditu Zuriaw

 I know how healing from cancer can be challenging and overwhelming. Cancer can instantly appear in our lives and cause us immense suffering. Often, the only solutions recommended to us are mainstream treatments that are costly and physically devastating. This combination of deadly diseases and painful treatments can make us feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.

But I’m here to tell you that suffering from cancer treatment isn’t necessary. You shouldn’t feel limited to mainstream treatments that might cause you to feel even worse. I wrote Emotional Shock, An Unpaved Odyssey because I wanted to share my experience to help you look deep inside of yourself, and the healing method is shown to you from your inner voice.

My book offers readers to find the sources of cancer, and once you know the cause or the causes, then the solution is to get rid of the cause or the causes of the deadly disease, not treating the systems. As we all know, the mainstream cancer treatment method is treating the systems, not treating the cause or the causes. That is why cancer comes back in a few years, usually between five to eight years of the first system.


Therefore, Emotional Shock, An Unpaved Odyssey, would make you explore in depth about your personality type, family dynamics, and, most of all, your upbringing, which will help you to identify the leading cause or sources.
The difficult part is to stop and look deep into ourselves without judgment; instead, we look into a quick fix. If we choose to live long and die of old age, detach yourself from external healing and get in touch with yourself. For the question How do you do it? Emotional Shock, An Unpaved Odyssey will give you the answer.

Experience First Pages

Is it possible to identify the root causes—and then prevent— the onset of a debilitating disease, acute disease, and cancer before it happens? Based on my personal experience with healing breast cancer, I believe it is. This book presents an alternate approach to the prevention and healing of acute disease and cancer. Through sharing my healing journey, it is my hope that a better understanding of how the unnecessary body burdens brought on by the human emotional responses to chronic stress and trauma can lead to a debilitating disease.

To provide context to my journey from breast cancer to wellness, the first portion of the book presents my family history and the emotional interaction within my family hierarchy. It was while researching the root cause of my breast cancer that I came to discover the disruptive health effect of deep-seated emotional trauma. By sharing an overview of the emotional trauma that brought about my illness, I hope to provide a path to wellness for those who read my story of healing and empowerment. The second portion of the book recounts the discovery and scientific research that I undertook to understand what caused cancer to form in my body and then the steps I took to restore my health.

I know how hearing the “C” word can be frightening, devastating, and confusing. When I listened to the heart-stoppingwords, “It’s cancer,” I was in my fifties, with two adult children who still needed my support. This potentially life-ending news left me totally disoriented. I had no idea how to handle life with cancer. Accepting it right away was out of the question. The first thing I asked myself was, “Why me?” Yet “why?” was a question without a definite answer. Then I asked myself, “Why not me?” Maybe it was time to revise my life, including my relationship with myself and everything else around me. Unfortunately my thought span was so short that I could not linger on one thought long, let alone revise my life. At the time, the very act of contemplating revision and the sorting out of my personality was good enough; still, for the first time in my life, I was scared. I was frightened of losing control, of suffering from this disease, and not being able to be self-sufficient while still alive…

Family is a singularly important pillar that provides love, support, direction, and a framework for values. The family comprises all who are closest to you and includes mother, father, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Parents are a subset of family members. The parents are fathers, mothers, and grandparents who provide true unconditional love to their offspring. The moment your mother knew you were in her womb, she started loving you. Her love is the source of living without comparison to anything else on this planet. As we all know from our own experiences, there are different types of parenting. Mine tend to be a kind of loving, caring that originated in deep-rooted fear and culminated in disfunction…


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